Recently, the Ministry of the Environment of Korea and 19 companies in South Korea signed a “Spontaneous Recycling and Simple Packaging Agreement” in Seoul, which aims to promote recycling of resources and reduce environmental pollution of packaging pro...
Impurities such as metal and ceramics must be removed from the glass bottle reclaimed material because glass container manufacturers need to use high purity raw materials.
Listen to the sound. The sound heard when you hit the craft glass bottle by hand is different. The glass bottle factory, the crystal material has a higher pitch, and there is a feeling of reverberation around the beam, while the glass product has a low pi...
As a safe and stable packaging material, glass bottles have become more and more skeptical about the packaging of plastic bottles.
A vacuum bottle is a container that isolates the gas from the outside temperature or a container that isolates the external bacteria.
Copper paper: The paper characteristics are: the paper surface has high smooth gloss and the coating is firm and consistent, which is convenient for printing to obtain beautiful and clear patterns and characters.
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